Quick start

  • jekyll new my-awesome-site to create a new Jekyll site at ./my-awesome-site.
  • cd my-awesome-site to go into the new directory.
  • bundle exec jekyll serve to build the site and make it available on a local server.

Here are simplfied notes for jekyll-assisted blog webpage building.

:warning: JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build to build the website in production environment, then copy contents from _site to github.

:warning: Every time after I have modified _config.yml file, then I need to restart the server.

:warning: baseurl=/Blog does not have / in the end

:warning: link: /Blog/ then needs to have it in the end in navigation.yml.

Jekyll commands

  • bundle exec jekyll serve to start the server, but :warning: it is not the production environment, and good for local development.
  • JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build to build the website in production environment, then copy contents from _site to github.
  • bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload to start the server with live reload.
  • bundle exec jekyll serve --draft to start the server with draft posts.

Jekyll plugins

  • How to change theme:
    • Go to rubygems.org and search jekyll-theme for the theme you want to use.
    • Add the theme to your Gemfile such as gem "jekyll-theme-hacker" and run bundle install.
    • Add theme: jekyll-theme-hacker to your _config.yml file.
    • Run bundle exec jekyll serve and your site should now be using the theme you added.

Jekyll layouts

  • How to add a new layout: Create a new file post.html in the _layouts directory with the following front matter:

Jekyll styling

  • <br> for line break.
  • <hr> for horizontal line.

Github pages

  • How to launch it on github pages:
    • Build the site locally with JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build.
    • git checkout -b gh-pages to create a new branch called gh-pages.
    • Copy the contents of the _site directory to the root of the gh-pages branch.
    • git push origin gh-pages to push the gh-pages branch to GitHub.
